Many adults face challenges related to their family. Adults in Mott Haven have significant physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and vocational needs. Statistically, one in five young adults in Mott Haven are considered “idle,” that is, not in school and not employed. Additionally, there are thousands of first-generation adult immigrants. The struggles of these two groups are the same: on the surface, they are looking for income, while internally, they desire purpose, community, and a healthy respect for self.

Seeing not only the needs of our neighbors but their great potential, Graffiti 2's Workforce Development Program, called G2 Works, coaches adults in developing the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual skills necessary to become the best they are capable of becoming through one of two components: 1) adults interested in pursuing personal growth and education can find resources and assistance through Graffiti 2’s Adult Learning Center; and 2) the Get2Work program provides assistance and support to individuals looking for a job.

Graffiti 2’s Adult Learning Center offers adults in Mott Haven an opportunity for personal growth and education. ESL Classes provide class-based instruction, one-on-one tutoring, and access to online curriculum to grow the student's fluency with English.  GED Preparation and career/technical education is available to students via online learning with one-on-one mentoring and support. All participants are encouraged to grow holistically through small group Bible studies and one-on-one coaching.

Graffiti 2’s Get2Work Program is designed to assist individuals who are seeking employment. The program provides an honorarium-based job while providing assistance to individuals who are seeking employment. While a participant has assigned duties at Graffiti 2, they are provided coaching, assistance, and support as they develop themselves and look for a job.