“Every Monday, Josh would meet with the summer youth workers and share his faith about how Jesus changed his life.” Jeefry’s life was impacted by the words and testimonies he heard last summer and ever since he became a Christ follower in August, he has been searching for ways to serve and bring glory to God. It wasn’t until November of last year that he says he began to seriously contemplate what it means to have a genuine relationship with Christ. He is honest about the fact that he had not been actively involved in a church until he began working at Graffiti 2 during their summer programs last year. At the end of the summer, Jeefry was invited to visit Graffiti 2 Church. Right away, he began regularly attending on Sundays and Thursdays. In February he began learning to play the keyboard and is now a member of the praise band. He sees it as another way to glorify Christ. He has been working with Graffiti 2’s GSALT since September and especially loves when the youth ask him for help with their homework. “I love helping them if it’s within my ability.”
Jeefry, who was born in the Bronx, but has lived in Manhattan since the third grade, is a high school senior and is considering attending college at Stony Brook University in Long Island. “I want to lead. It’s the only way I can see myself glorifying God and doing His will. But first I need to discipline myself. I want to invest in people in a church the way I see happen at Graffiti 2.”
Even though Jeefry focuses on the joy of being a Christian, he is also aware of Paul’s call to rejoice in suffering. “This walk gets dark sometimes, but it’s worth it. God’s glory and His plan can be completed through our pain and suffering.”
Jeefry finds hope in 2 Corinthians 4:16-17: “That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!”
Jeefry would say, #iamG2Intern
What will your write in the blank? #iamG2_____________
Graffiti 2 can’t provide a place to belong without the help of many people. Will you consider being a G2Ambassador and mobilize your group or church for our Week of Giving (May 1–7)?
Here are some things you can do:
1. Participate in Graffiti 2’s Spirit Week and pray for our ministry. Download here.
2. Lead your group in the Week of Giving Bible study. Download it here.
3. Get your people to participate in the Buy a Box Fundraiser. Download it here.
4. Collect an offering for Graffiti 2 at the end of Spirit Week on May 7.
Graffiti 2 can’t provide a place to belong without the help of many people. Will you consider being a G2Giver and making a special donation towards our Week of Giving (May 1–7)?
Here are ways you can give:
1. Send a donation to Graffiti 2–Week of Giving, PO Box 541559, Bronx, NY 10454.
2. Donate online by clicking here.
3. Text 2 Give—It’s easy. Text “give” to 347-282-2612. A text response will send you a link to create your profile and make a donation. Save G2’s Text 2 Give number in your contacts. Future donations can be made simply by texting an amount to this number.
In the coming weeks Graffiti 2 will share more ways you can help. Check out our website, subscribe to our e-newsletter, and follow us on social media.